Is Alpha Male Strategies Fact or Fiction?

dating psychology Jan 29, 2022
Blaine holding the Alpha Male Strategies book

Alpha Male Strategies is a book offering “dating techniques in the social media age” for men.

In addition to the book, the anonymous author also offers dating tips through his Alpha Male Strategies website, and Alpha Male Strategies YouTube channel.

Hundreds of thousands of men apparently consume Alpha Male Strategies dating advice, so it’s worth discussing…

Is Alpha Male Strategies fact or fiction?


  • 📈 Will following the advice in Alpha Male Strategies help you improve your dating life?

  • 💩 Or, is Alpha Male Strategies a steaming pile of b.s. that you should avoid stepping your foot in?

I’ve read and reviewed Alpha Male Strategies, and shared my thoughts on what’s fact and what’s fiction below!



Part 1: Alpha Male Strategies Facts

Since I’m a woman, you may expect me to hate on Alpha Male Strategies.

Guess what?

✅ Some of the advice from Alpha Male Strategies is actually spot on. I’ve highlighted my three favorite truths from Alpha Male Strategies below!


Alpha Male Strategies Fact #1: Always Available is Unattractive

On the first page of the book, in the context of describing why women want “high-value men,” the Alpha Male Strategies author says:

Availability naturally turns women off.

There are obviously exceptions, but this is actually accurate.


Women aren’t interested in guys who are always available to them. This is true for several reasons:

  1. Constant availability can signal your career and social lives aren’t as active as they should be ❌

  2. Constant availability can signal you’re over-invested in her emotionally ❌

  3. Constant availability can signal you don’t have other options ❌

This isn’t to imply that women have specific (or terribly high) expectations for how busy you should be…

Nor is it to encourage you to act busier than you are around women you’re interested in…

It’s just that awesome women tend to be attracted to guys who have enough happening in their lives that they aren’t available 24/7.

Feel like you’re too available to women? Try:

  • Taking on a new project at work 👔

  • Picking up a new hobby 🏀

  • Investing in existing friendships, or making new friends 🤝

You’d be surprised how quickly these actions can improve your dating life, even though they nominally have nothing to do with dating.


Alpha Male Strategies Fact #2: The Ability To Be Alone Is Attractive

The Alpha Male Strategies author says that:

"Before self-improvement and before any strategy or technique, there’s one thing every man must master before he’s able to become a chick magnet.

That’s the ability to be alone."

The author is being dramatic — not everyone aspires to be a chick magnet, and feeling comfortable spending time alone isn’t necessarily more important than other forms of self-improvement — but there’s a valuable nugget of truth here.

If you can’t comfortably spend an evening alone, you’re likely socially needy, and neediness grosses women out 🤢

However, learning to be comfortable alone can improve your romantic relationships, and your relationships with coworkers, friends, and family 👪


  • Spending time alone gives you a chance to recharge, and puts your relationships into perspective 🔋

  • This space can help you disassociate from the relationships that don’t actually add to your life 😶‍🌫️

Try deliberately planning a solo evening to start building your alone muscle.

If you’re dreading the idea, here are some tactics to make it more tolerable:

  • Order your favorite food in 🍕

  • Plan an activity (e.g. reading a book, watching a movie, or doing something creative) 🎨

  • Create space to unwind (e.g. draw a bath — I don’t care how silly this sounds!) 🛁

Practice makes perfect. You’ll get more comfortable spending time alone as you spend more time alone.

Alpha Male Strategies Fact #3: Personality Matters More Than Money Or Looks

When it comes to attracting quality women, your personality matters 10x more than anything else.

Most “red pill” coaches get this wrong, but Alpha Dating Strategies is spot on when he says:

"Personality beats money and looks."

Many men struggle to internalize this truth. I suspect this is because:

  • Finances and appearances are easy to observe, and make bad assumptions about. For example, if you see an attractive woman with a handsome man in an expensive car, the simplest explanation is that she’s interested in his looks and money 🏎️ 💑 💸

  • It’s less painful for most men to blame their dating woes on their looks or careers. These factors seem outside of your control (and therefore acceptable reasons to not attract certain women) whereas your personality feels like it’s more your responsibility, and is therefore a more-embarrassing reason to not attract the women you want to date 😬

Regardless, the sooner you accept that:

  • How you make women feel around you is 100% in your control ✅

  • You may need to pay more attention to how you make women feel, and course-correct if your personality turns women off ✅

… The sooner you’ll start attracting higher-quality partners!



Part 2: Alpha Male Strategies Fictions

While there are morsels of accurate advice sprinkled throughout Alpha Male Strategies…

Plenty of Alpha Male Strategies is b.s. too 💩

Here are a few of the biggest fictions from the book.


Alpha Male Strategies Fiction #1: Feminism Is Bad For Men

Alpha Male Strategies makes ridiculous claims like:

Feminism has changed women, and not for the better.


Feminists believe women should control men.

Both of these statements are laughably dumb, and inaccurate.

(Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I don’t like mincing words!)

Feminism is about equality between men and women.

Nothing more, nothing less.

It’s not un-masculine to be pro-feminism. Both men and women can be feminists if they believe in gender equality ⚖️

Regardless, feminism is almost unequivocally good for your dating life:

  • Feminism gives women and men better options. Pre-feminism, your most recent crush might have been coerced into marrying her weirdo neighbor at age 18, because her life prospects would’ve been more narrow, and wouldn’t be single to flirt with you today 😅

  • Feminism means help with finances. Pre-feminism, women had slimmer career prospects, and couldn’t share the burden of household and lifestyle expenses. Today, many women are 50-50 partners financially in relationships. I am with my partner, for example 🤝

    This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer to pay for dinner early on in a relationship — most women like this — but it does mean that you won’t have to shoulder all the bills alone forever the way you would have pre-feminism 💰

  • Feminism means more sexual experiences. The notion that you might fool around together at your apartment after a 2nd or 3rd date is entirely the result of feminism. Pre-feminism, you would’ve been waiting for marriage 😮‍💨

    It’s true that not everyone, particularly people with strong religious beliefs, agrees the sexual freedom that has sprung from feminism is a good thing. But given the Alpha Male Strategies author’s fixation on having sex with as many women as possible, you’d think at least he could appreciate this 🙄


Alpha Male Strategies Fiction #2: Women Are Incapable Of True Love

Here’s another stinker from the author of Alpha Male Strategies:

"Women are incapable of truly loving a man."

He’s so convinced women are incapable of loving men that he lays another, bigger turd later in the book:

"Never ask a woman for a relationship."

Rather than waste time debunking these lies (simply look at almost any couple…) know that these are only useful strategies if you want to spend the rest of your life alone.

🤯 Truth bomb: people treat you the way you expect to be treated.

If you believe women are un-trustworthy and incapable of loving men like Alpha Male Strategies claims, you will literally push away women who are trustworthy and want to love you 🥶

Read this famous parable that illustrates how you can expect new people to be if you need more convincing.

Alpha Male Strategies Fiction #3: You Can’t Change Your Personality

In my opinion, the Alpha Male Strategies author’s most misleading and harmful claim is:

"You can’t change your personality. That’s a fact."

It would be really bad if you couldn’t change your personality, given how Alpha Male Strategies also says that your personality is more important for attracting women than looks or money!

😎 The good news is that you already know this is a lie.


Think about yourself. Your personality is dramatically different today than it was 5, 10, 15, or 20 years ago 👶

People grow and change. Some people grow and change more quickly than others, because they make an effort to develop themselves.

Your personality is 100% in your control. If you want to become more confident, or more flirty, or more genuine, it just takes deliberate practice.

No one is born with an awesome personality. It’s something you must develop over time. Make the choice to develop your personality, so you can start attracting the types of women you deserve to meet ❤️



Last Thoughts On Alpha Male Strategies

To recap quickly, today we learned that:

There is some truth in Alpha Male Strategies. Specifically:

  1. It’s unattractive if you’re always available ✅

  2. The ability to be alone is attractive ✅

  3. Your personality matters more than money or looks ✅

Still, I can’t recommend Alpha Male Strategies because…

Much of Alpha Male Strategies is fiction. Specifically:

  1. Feminism is bad for men ❌

  2. Women are incapable of love ❌

  3. You can’t change your personality ❌

There’s a lot of bad advice like this floating around on the internet, so stay woke, and don’t fall for it!



PS. Ready to uplevel your dating life fast?

I'd love to share my best free guides, so you can start making progress immediately:

  • 📲 What I Swipe Right On (how to improve your matches on apps like Hinge fast)
  • 💬 Master The Message (how to create more chemistry via text)
  • 🏀 How To Bounce Back (dating 101 for newly single guys)
  • 😅 You're Nice, But... (dating 101 for "nice" guys)

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