Dating Strengths And Weaknesses Quiz For Men (2022)

dating psychology Jan 29, 2022

Ready to understand your dating life?

I’m Blaine, I’m a dating coach for men, and I’ve developed a new dating strengths and weaknesses quiz to help you:

  • Build a deeper understanding of yourself, and your approach to dating 📈

  • Pinpoint areas in your dating life you can improve so you attract higher-quality women 📍

  • Have fun learning something new 🙃

There are 15 total questions. I’ve organized them around my “5Es,” which are the five things every guy needs to do to attract quality women:

  1. Empathize (what women actually want)

  2. Embrace (how you pull women in, and push them away)

  3. Embody (how you meet women)

  4. Engage (how you communicate and flirt)

  5. Execute (how you behave on dates)

You’ll score yourself for each “E” so that you can best understand your specific dating strengths and weaknesses.

This quiz isn’t interactive for now because I’m bad with technology, so just:

  • Grab a pen and a sheet of paper, so you can write down your answers to the multiple choice questions 📝

  • Compare your answers with the key at the end 👇

Without further ado, let’s get to the dating strengths and weaknesses quiz!



Quiz Part 1/5: Empathize

This section of the dating strengths and weaknesses quiz will help you gauge how in tune you are with what women want.

Question #1: Why do women typically not make the first move?

  • A) Often they do, but not if you’re ugly 😬

  • B) They think they’re above dating most men 😬

  • C) They don’t have to, because guys typically make the first move 😕

Question #2: What does it mean if a woman swipes left on your Tinder / Hinge / OKCupid profile?

  • A) She thinks you’re physically unattractive 😬

  • B) She thinks you’re too low status 😬

  • C) You didn’t stand out 😕

Question #3: What is the most likely reason a woman you meet in-person doesn’t want to give you her number?

  • A) She thinks you’re ugly, or out of shape 😬

  • B) She thinks you’re too poor for her 😬

  • C) She’s not single, she’s having a bad day, or something else that’s outside your control 😕



Quiz Part 2/5: Embrace

This section of the dating strengths and weaknesses quiz will help you gauge how in tune you are with yourself.

Question #1: Do you believe you can attract a quality partner?

  • A) It would require a miracle 😬

  • B) I might need to learn some skills, e.g. how to flirt, but probably yes 🙂

  • C) Maybe / it depends on luck 😕

Question #2: Which of the following makes you attractive?

  • A) Nothing 😬

  • B) My personality, accomplishments, hobbies, appearance, and lifestyle generally 🙂

  • C) I’m not sure 😕

Question #3: When do you start hoping a relationship with a woman will work out?

  • A) As soon as I see her / before we’ve matched online 🤤

  • B) After a few dates 🙂

  • C) After we’ve met, usually when we start talking or texting 😘



Quiz Part 3/5: Embody

This section of the dating strengths and weaknesses quiz will help you assess your skills meeting women.

Question #1: What’s the best place to meet women IRL?

  • A) You can meet women anywhere, so there’s no one best place 😉

  • B) It depends on your personality, and the women you want to attract 😌

  • C) Bars or clubs, because they are hubs for single women 😙

Question #2: Can you meet quality women on the street?

  • A) Yes, pickup artists have proven it’s possible 😉

  • B) You can, but it’s seldom an effective strategy 😌

  • C) No, because women only want to meet guys in specific contexts and places 😙

Question #3: How much do dating app algorithms matter for attracting quality women on Hinge and Tinder?

  • A) Algorithms matter a lot, and it’s critical to understand them to attract quality women 😔

  • B) Algorithms matter, but it’s not critical to understand them to attract quality women 😌

  • C) Algorithms don’t matter, because apps are rigged 😙



Quiz Part 4/5: Engage

This section of the dating strengths and weaknesses quiz will help reveal how you communicate with women.

Question #1: How long should you wait before you reply to her messages / texts?

  • A) It doesn’t matter 😏

  • B) More than 1 hour, but less than 3 hours 😉

  • C) More than 3 hours 😮‍💨

Question #2: What’s the best way to flirt with a woman?

  • A) Smile and pay her a genuine compliment 😏

  • B) Tease her about her hair or outfit 😉

  • C) Tell her she’s sexy 🥰

Question #3: What’s the best response if she ghosts you?

  • A) NA, you shouldn’t text her again 🥲

  • B) Send a cute message to revive the conversation, e.g. “Reporting lost girl! Should I send a search party?” 😏

  • C) Send a scolding message so she realizes she’s dumb to ghost you, e.g. “Why would you give me your number if you won’t even respond?” 👊



Quiz Part 5/5: Execute

This section of the dating strengths and weaknesses quiz will help uncover your opportunities on dates.

Question #1: What’s your goal on a first date?

  • A) Impress her 😏

  • B) Land a second date 😮‍💨

  • C) Understand if you’re compatible 😌

Question #2: Of the following options, which makes for the best first date?

  • A) Dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant 😍

  • B) Movie or concert 🤩

  • C) Coffee and walk in the park 🙂

Question #3: Should you bring a gift on a first date?

  • A) Yes 🤩

  • B) Only if it’s flowers 😍

  • C) No 🙂



Answer Key

I hope you had fun taking my dating strengths and weaknesses quiz!

I’ve grouped the answers by section below.



Empathize (What Women Want)

  • Question #1: C
    Attractive women get approached by men virtually non-stop. They don’t approach men simply because they have too many options already 😮‍💨

  • Question #2: C
    If a woman swipes left on your dating app profile, it just means you didn’t stand out to her immediately. Women don’t look closely enough at most guys’ profiles to make informed judgments about your appearance, or much else. They only closely look at profiles that stand out 🤩

  • Question #3: C
    Most of the time, whether a woman wants to give you her your number isn’t in your control. If a woman doesn’t want to, she might be having a bad day, or she might be really busy, or she might just not be single (>2/3 of women ages 25-35 are in relationships) 😌

If you gravitated toward answering “A” in part 1… you may worry too much about how women perceive your appearance.

If you gravitated toward answering “B” in part 1… you may worry too much about how women perceive your career, finances, and background.

If you gravitated toward answering “C” in part 1… you probably have a solid understanding of women, and what they want!



Embrace (How You Pull Women In, And Push Them Away)

This section is more person-specific, which is to say the “correct” answer depends on how you feel.

To attract quality women and feel secure in a relationship, however, some answers are better than others. I’ve shared these below.

  • Question #1: B
    There’s no gene for dating. It’s like driving a car: you need to do certain things in a certain order to make the car go. Once you’re doing the right things in the right sequence, dating is easy and fun 🚗

  • Question #2: B
    Women can be attracted to your personality, accomplishments, hobbies, appearance, and/or lifestyle generally. There’s no one way to be attractive, aside from being confident in what you bring to the table, and knowing how to market yourself the right way 📣

  • Question #3: B
    The appropriate time to start wanting a relationship is after you’ve gotten to know a woman over the course of multiple dates. If you’re emotionally investing in her any sooner, she’ll notice, and it will turn her off 😬

If you gravitated toward answering “A” in part 2… you need to learn to embrace yourself more. You are awesome, and you can attract a quality partner once you internalize that! Consider therapy as a resource that can help. It’s less expensive than you might think.

If you gravitated toward answering “B” in part 2… you’re on your way toward attracting women by being your authentic best self, and not pushing them away with needy behavior or emotional over-investment.

If you gravitated toward answering “C” in part 2… you should start taking more accountability for your dating life. Attracting quality women isn’t about luck. It’s about knowing what you want, and taking action.



Embody (Meeting Women)

  • Question #1: B
    It’s true you can meet women literally anywhere, bars included. The best place to meet women depends on your preferences, and the unique woman you personally want to attract 🦄

  • Question #2: B
    Single women are open to meeting men in almost context. It’s possible to meet quality women on the street, but it’s seldom an effective place to meet women, because you’re unlikely you have much in common 🖇️

  • Question #3: B
    In a literal sense, algorithms govern which women see your profile on apps like Hinge and Tinder. But you don’t need to understand the algorithms deeply to meet quality women. If you create a compelling profile with clear photos and engaging prompts, the algorithms will work in your favor, and handle the rest. If you want to improve your profiles fast so you start matching with quality women, check out my free guid here ❤️‍🔥

If you gravitated toward answering “A” in part 3… you’re probably paying too much attention to pickup artists. Sure, you can in theory meet women anywhere,

If you gravitated toward answering “B” in part 3… you have a good understanding of how to meet women!

If you gravitated toward answering “C” in part 3… you may need to be more open minded to meet quality women.



Engage (Communicating and Flirting)

  • Question #1: A
    If you’re fun to text with, she won’t care whether you respond in 5 minutes or 5 hours. If you want to get better at texting, check out my free texting guide here 📲

  • Question #2: A
    If you’re not confident flirting, the best way to improve is by starting small. Try smiling, and paying women genuine compliments, and see where it leads you 💫

  • Question #3: A
    If a woman ghosts you, it means she doesn’t value you enough to be honest with you about her disinterest. Don’t waste another second of time on her 👋

If you gravitated toward answering “A” in part 4, you’re probably skilled at communicating with women!

If you gravitated toward answering “B” or “C” in part 4, you’re probably overthinking things. Worry less about gaming conversations, or saying the “right” thing, and worry more about creating authentic connections.



Execute (Dates)

  • Question #1: C
    Your goal on a first date is to understand if you’re compatible with a woman. If you’re trying to impress her or land a second date, you’re probably emotionally over-invested, and she’ll go cold on you 🥶

  • Question #2: C
    Concerts and movies are bad first dates, because they’re loud, which makes conversation difficult. Michelin starred restaurants send the message you’re trying too hard 🙄

  • Question #3: C
    Gifts, including flowers, are generally a bad idea on a first date. They tend to signal emotional over-investment 😬

If you gravitated toward answering “A” in part 5… you’re probably worrying too much about impressing women.

If you gravitated toward answering “B” in part 5… you’re probably overthinking things on dates.

If you gravitated toward answering “C” in part 5… you’re probably have some great dates in your future!



PS. Ready to uplevel your dating life fast?

I'd love to share my best free guides, so you can start making progress immediately:

  • 📲 What I Swipe Right On (how to improve your matches on apps like Hinge fast)
  • 💬 Master The Message (how to create more chemistry via text)
  • 🏀 How To Bounce Back (dating 101 for newly single guys)
  • 😅 You're Nice, But... (dating 101 for "nice" guys)

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