Hinge Reddit - Good Or Bad Advice?
Jan 29, 2022
I recently stumbled on the Reddit Hinge community, and was immediately intrigued.
If you’ve never visited r/hingeapp before…
Hundreds of people share screenshots of their Hinge profiles in search of the community’s feedback on how to improve their photos and prompts.
From my perspective as professional dating coach, is the Reddit Hinge community’s profile feedback helpful?
The answer is “yes and no.” See what I mean below!
1. What’s Good With Reddit Hinge
I’ll admit it.
I was genuinely impressed by the quality of the advice many members of the Reddit Hinge community shared about improving a Hinge profile.
For example, check out this thread about a mid-twenties guy named Jon's profile.
Jon shares screenshots of his profile, and his first several photos are of Jon and his friends.
Someone shared the following feedback in the Reddit thread, and it's spot on:
"It takes until your 4th photo for me to know what you look like. I'm not here to play guess who"
Incidentally, this is a common problem with guys’ Hinge profiles!
If a woman can’t immediately tell what you look like, she’s swiping left 😬
Clarity is more important than perfection when it comes to photos. More men need to internalize this.
Anyway, there were other general-advice threads on Hinge Reddit with good feedback on dating apps more broadly.
This pinned post in the channel is a good example.
I love the author’s bluntness, and they’re right about several important things:
Most profiles are bad to start.
Every detail matters.
If a match doesn’t work out, it’s probably because they weren’t that interested, and that’s OK! Move on.
2. What’s Less Good With Reddit Hinge
My main concern with Reddit Hinge is that the feedback isn’t always accurate, or constructive.
Here is one brutal response:
"No sex appeal at all. You need to lift, and get better fitting clothes"
The poor guy who started the thread pulled the screenshots of his profile, so I can’t comment on it...
But I can debunk some dating app myths the responses perpetuate:
❌ It’s untrue that your profile requires obvious “sex appeal” to make women swipe right on it. Sex appeal is subjective anyway.
❌ It’s untrue that you “need to lift” to be physically attractive to women. It’s OK if your photos don’t scream body builder at prospective matches.
❌ It’s untrue that you can’t communicate interest in sports, food, and movies. Enthusiasm for sports, food, and movies can all attract quality women when you market them properly.
Basically, you’re rolling the dice when you request feedback on your Hinge profile from strangers on Reddit.
Their feedback might be helpful. But it might also be inaccurate, unproductive, and crush your confidence to boot…
Buyer beware!
Last Thoughts On Hinge Reddit
To quickly summarize:
👍 You might find useful personalized advice to improve your Hinge matches via Hinge Reddit…
👎 But you might not.
The good news is that there are other, less-public, more-professional ways to get personalized feedback on your dating app profiles.
I offer a full 1x1 profile makeover as part of my dating masterclass you can read about here for example.
Take action however you see appropriate!
PS. Ready to uplevel your dating life fast?
I'd love to share my best free guides, so you can start making progress immediately:
- 📲 What I Swipe Right On (how to improve your matches on apps like Hinge fast)
- 💬 Master The Message (how to create more chemistry via text)
- 🏀 How To Bounce Back (dating 101 for newly single guys)
- 😅 You're Nice, But... (dating 101 for "nice" guys)
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Xo Blaine
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